Experimental Research of Veles Planetary Rover Performing Simple Construction Tasks
The paper is concerned with the problem of experimental research of Veles planetary rover performing simple construction tasks. The current state of the art in planetary rovers and their research in construction tasks are discussed. The Veles rover solution designed for construction tasks and experimental testbed are described. The experimental testbed included a test room with Moon regolith analogue. Experimental research concerning rover mobility and manipulation tasks were carried out. Experimental research consisted of various scenarios,, including clearing an area that removes boulders and levelling the soil. The complementary scenario for the area preparation was to exchange the tools of the manipulator. In this case, the gripper and the shovel were used as end-effectors for moving objects, both structured or in the form of regolith. Results of selected experimental research are presented and discussed. Finally, directions of future works of the rover are pointed out.