Peer Review Process

1. Submission
1.1 Online Submission 
The corresponding author submits the manuscript online via the Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems electronic submission system.

1.2 Preliminary Editorial Screening 
The manuscript undergoes a comprehensive preliminary editorial screening to ensure it adheres to the Journal's Author Guidelines and includes an anti-plagiarism analysis. The average time for a submission to receive the first decision is five working days.

2. Review Process
2.1 Send to Review 
The Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems employs a double-blind peer-review process. In this system, both the authors' and reviewers' identities remain confidential, helping to prevent any potential bias from influencing the review.
Potential reviewers consider the invitation based on their expertise, conflicts of interest, availability, and the stated policies within two weeks.

Procedures for Handling Conflicts of Interest 
a. Disclosure Requirement: 
All editors, authors, and reviewers must disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could affect their evaluations. 
b. Recusal from Decision-Making: 
Editors with a conflict of interest must recuse themselves from the editorial decision-making process to ensure impartiality. 
c. Assignment of Independent Reviewers: 
Manuscripts submitted by individuals with disclosed conflicts are assigned to independent reviewers with no ties to the authors. 
d. Management of Ethical Issues: 
The editorial board addresses any ethical concerns related to manuscripts, ensuring compliance with publishing standards. 
e. Investigation and Resolution: 
If a conflict is suspected or reported after publication, the editorial board may investigate and take appropriate action, which could include issuing corrections or retractions. 
f. Transparency and Communication: 
Journals will publish conflict-of-interest statements alongside articles to inform readers about potential biases. 
g. Reporting Mechanism: 
Individuals can report suspected undisclosed conflicts to the editorial team through designated channels.
These procedures help maintain ethical standards in publishing and ensure the integrity of scientific research. 
To ensure scientific quality, a minimum of two independent reviews are required to make a decision on a submission. Reviews are conducted free of charge, and reviewers are not compensated for their work.
Journal Editors can rate reviewers and provide them with a score based on the quality of their reviews and the average turnaround time within the journal system.

2.2 Formal Review 
Reviewers use a score sheet to rate submissions and provide comments. If reviewers accept the invitation, they will have four weeks to read the paper. 

Possible review outcomes include: 
- Accept Submission: If the reviewers or the Editor-in-Chief agree that the manuscript can be published in its current form, it may be accepted unconditionally. 
- Request Revision: If revisions are necessary, the reviews will be forwarded to the authors for them to revise and respond to the reviewers' remarks. If the reviewers request a re-review, or if the editors find it necessary, the revised manuscript will be submitted for another review. 
- Decline: The Executive Editor will reject the manuscript if both reviews are negative.
The review process typically takes 2 to 6 months, depending on the number of rounds needed. Authors will have two weeks to respond to the review and submit a corrected manuscript.

3. Editorial Decision 
Once all required changes have been made to the revised manuscript, the Editor-in-Chief will decide whether to accept or reject the submission. The authors will be notified of the decision immediately. The decision of the Editor-in-Chief is final.

4. Copyediting 
During the copyediting phase, a Copyeditor will check the manuscript for language errors, spelling, and formal style. Once the manuscript with the necessary corrections is received, the authors will be given five working days to make the suggested changes.