Publication Policy

Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems  operates a Double Blind  review process in which the authors do not know the identity of the reviewers and the reviewers do not know the identity of the authors.

The review process includes at least two anonymous referees. Once a new paper is submitted, it is assigned to one of the editors who verifies if the submission is relevant for the scope of the journal and ready for consideration by reviewers (e.g., adequate coverage of the related peer-reviewed work, description of the research method, or quality of language).

Passing verification, the submission is sent out for external review, using the appropriate reviewer form. Where revisions are requested, authors should provide a detailed covering letter outlining how they have responded to each point raised by the reviews.

Final decisions on manuscripts are made by the editors based on the ratings and comments provided by the referees.

More about JAMRIS Publication ethics you can find here.