Extended State Observer Based Robust Feedback Linearization Control Applied to an Industrial CSTR


  • Ali Medjebouri Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of 20 August 1955, SKIKDA, Algeria
Keywords: CSTR, Robust control, ESO


In the chemical and petrochemical industries, the Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) is, without doubt, one of the most popular processes. From a control point of view, the mathematical model describing the temporal evolution of the CSTR has a strongly nonlinear cross-coupled character. Moreover, modeling errors such as external disturbances, neglected dynamics, and parameter variations or uncertainties make its control task a very difficult challenge. This problem has been the subject of a wide number of control strategies. This article attempts to propose a viable, robust nonlinear decoupling control scheme. The idea behind the proposed approach lies in the design of two nested control loops. The inner loop is responsible for the compensation of the nominal model's nonlinear cross-coupled terms via a static nonlinear feedback; while the outer loop, designed around an Extended State Observer (ESO), which the additional state gathers the global effect of modeling errors, is charged with instantaneously estimating and then compensating the ESO extended state. This way, the CSTR complex dynamics are reduced to a series of decoupled linear subsystems easily controllable using a simple Proportional-Integral (PI) linear control to ensure the robust pursuit of reference signals respecting the desired performance. The presented control validation was performed numerically by an objective comparison to a classical PID controller.



How to Cite

Medjebouri, A. (2024). Extended State Observer Based Robust Feedback Linearization Control Applied to an Industrial CSTR. Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems, 17(4), 68-78. https://doi.org/10.14313/JAMRIS/4-2023/32