Coverage Control of Mobile Wireless Sensor Network with Distributed Location of High Interest


Keywords: mobile wireless sensor network, coverage control, interest function


Formation control is an important part of any system that utilizes multiple mobile agent to achieve its particular goals. One of those application is the mobile wireless network sensor. A field which becomes increasingly more popular in recent times due to advancement of technology especially in the fields of miniaturization and telecommunications. The main problem of this research is the relatively untested sensing capability of a mobile wireless sensor network in an operating area which has distributed and/or multiple locations of high interest. The purpose of this research is to discover the compatibility of a multiple-agent coverage control system under several examples of interest functions that has multiple and/or distributed points of global maximum value in order to explore more thoroughly the performance of a given system in a varying environments.



How to Cite

Hanindito, R., Cahyadi, A. I., & Nugroho, P. (2023). Coverage Control of Mobile Wireless Sensor Network with Distributed Location of High Interest. Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems, 16(2), 74-80.