Technology Acceptance in Learning History Subject Using Augmented Reality Towards Smart Mobile Learning Environment: Case in Malaysia
In alignment with smart city initiatives, Malaysia is shifting its educational landscape to a smart learning environment. The Ministry of Education (MoE) has made History a mandatory subject for passing the Malaysian Certificate of Education to grow awareness and instil patriotism among Malaysian students. However, History has been known as one of the difficult subjects to study for many students. On the other hand, the Malaysian Government Education Blueprint 2013-2025 seeks to “leverage ICT scale up quality learning” across the country. Therefore, this study aims to identify the factors that influence the intention to use Augmented Reality (AR) for mobile learning in learning History subject among secondary school students in Malaysia. Quantitative approach has been chosen as the research method for this study. A direct survey was conducted on 400 secondary school students in one of the smart cities in Malaysia as the target respondents. The collected data are analysed through descriptive statistics and Multiple Linear Regression analysis by using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Based on the results, the identified factors that influence the intention to use AR for mobile learning in learning History subject are Gender, Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Enjoyment, and Attitude Towards Use. The identified factors can be a good reference for schools and teachers to strategize their teaching and learning methods in pertaining to History subject among secondary school students in Malaysia. Future studies may include the study of various types of schools in Malaysia and explore more moderating effects of demographic factors.